March Newsletter
For the next two months we will be learning about plants. We will be covering The Life Cycle of a Plant, different parts of a plant, such asparts of a leaf, tree, and flower.
We would also like to start giving lessons on flower arranging. I will send an email explaining how we do this and a list of dates; please check for your child’s name and the date that your child can bring flowers in to school. Carnations are the hardiest but any flower will work. White carnations are extra special as we can do colour science experiments with them!
GOOD NEWS ALERT! Ms. Tessa is back, starting on Monday March 1st, to continue with the music program that she started before COVID. The children- and teachers – are SO excited!
Upcoming dates: St. Patrick’s Day – Wednesday 17th March. Wear green and bring green snacks!
Sounds of the week:
- March 1st– v volcano, vest, Velcro.
- March 8th – w wet, wind, wagon.
- March 15th – x fox, exit, box.
Note for the sound of X – this makes the sound “cks” so you could even send socks! Remember that the X in xylophone makes the sound “Z”!
- March 22nd – y yellow, yak, yes.
- March fees are due on the 1st of March. Thank you!
- Please remember to pack a water bottle, fork and spoon,every day!
- If you pack your child a hot lunch in a flask, please allow it to cool a little before tightening the lid.
We are finding that a vacuum is produced and we are struggling to open the flask 😉 or you could put your child’s lunch in a microwaveable container and we can then heat it up. We obviously need to practice our “opening and closing containers” techniques! 😊
- Please source a pair of rubber boots (I call them “Wellingtons” or “Wellies” so I apologise in advance if your child starts using an English phrase!) for outdoor play that can be left at school – we all know it is mud season now! Please label the boots with your child’s name.
- Weather proof, warm coats or jackets.
- When you come to drop off and pick up your child, please be patient once you have rung the doorbell. Your child is most likely getting ready and we will bring your child as soon as we can.
- If your child has ANY cold-like symptoms, including a runny nose, congestion, cough or sneezing, please keep your child home for the required 24 hours. If the symptoms don’t worsen, and your child does not have a fever, your child may come to school the following day. However, if we feel that your child’s symptoms are affecting his or her day at school- lots of coughing, sneezing, runny nose- then we will call you to ask that you collect your child.
- Morning pick-up: We ask politely that you ensure that you are here to pick up your child BEFORE 11:30 AM. We start to get the full-time children ready for lunch at this time, plus teachers start to go for their breaks, and if a child is still here after 11:30 AM it does affect our ratios. Also, as per our parent handbook, there is a late pick-up fee, which I am sure we all want to avoid. Thank you.
Mila- look out for an email!
We have a few ideas for purposeful outside play activities – unfortunately we can not have a climbing frame, raised playhouse or sand – however, we would like to add some wooden stepping stones, some painted tyres, and a gutter system where the children can experiment with pouring water, rolling balls etc. If you have any ideas on how we can obtain these items, and how we can add them safely to our outside space, please do let us know. We’d also like to somehow utilise the concrete gutter that runs along the fence. Obviously, we can not block this, but perhaps a wooden structure that acts like a bridge would work? We are also looking for gently used tricycles, as the children are too big for the toddler trucks. We will be planting vegetables and flowers again this year, so seeds and bedding plants will be much appreciated in May.
The money that the children raised by selling the applesauce – We have bought 2 pop-up play structures from IKEA – a cube and a camper van! Also, a tag game that consists of colourful vests and bats with Velcro and soft balls. We also purchased 3 small IKEA wooden hand-push vehicles which they are already using at the end of the day. They are very popular.
All ideas will be appreciated, so please do email them in. Also, if you are able to help us put all this together, that would be amazing!
We are currently working our way through the new Childcare Act and new program plan:there are a few changes, such as the change of the teachers’ titles from Child Care Workers to Early Childhood Educators. We are all happy about this as we feel it recognises our training, knowledge and expertise in this, the most important years of a child’s life: 0 – 6 years.
Thank you for your support during this ongoing pandemic! We are so grateful for our wonderful children and families.
Hopefully the restrictions will be less harsh during the summer, and we can finally open our doors for you to come in and observe the children and teachers at work.
We wish you continued good health!
Mrs. Joce ,Mrs, Divya, Miss. Nicole, Ms. Michelle, Mrs. Diana and Ms. Tessa.