April 2021 Newsletter
Our theme for April continues to be PLANTS.
Thank you to everyone so far who has brought in flowers for your child to practice how to arrange flowers, learn about their names and parts of the flower. They are really enjoying this lesson and making their classroom so beautiful. Dr. Maria Montessori once said, “The essential thing is to arouse such interest that it engages the child’s whole personality.” This work also sparks an interest in other children, as they complete daily checks on the water in the vases, if the flowers are still viable, or, what can we do with them if they’re not? So, we have started a flower press to save some of the flowers for crafts.
If you’d like your child to participate, please check the flower arranging list I emailed at the beginning of March. Or see the reminder list below for April.
Hopefully we have seen the last of the bitterly cold weather now and outside play can resume. We would like to get a group of parents together to chat about some outside projects. I am wondering if either of these dates work for those parents who are able to help us:
Saturday May 1st or Saturday May 8th, at 2:00 PM.
Please let me know which day suits better!
Alphabet Snack Day! Wednesday April 28th.
Usually, for this celebration, we would have a fun buffet, but once again, COVID regulations means that we have to switch it up – but we are not defeated!
Your child will pick a letter of the alphabet in class- this letterwill come home on a slip of paper. All we ask is that your child brings a snack to school that has that letter in it. For example, if Zoe picks S she could bring Sausage Sandwiches. To make it more fun, perhaps you could make up a small fun rhyme about that snack and practice it with your child so that she/he can recite it to their friends – public speaking practise here! i.e., Six Saucy Sausages Sizzling on a Skewer.
Bring snack and the rhyme on Wednesday 28th April. Let’s see what your child can come up with!
*IMPORTANT! Re Registration forms*
RE-registration forms for September will behanded out after the Easter break. Please complete the form and return it no later than MONDAY MAY 17th. If you would like your junior preschooler/ preschooler/kindergartener to continue their schooling over the months of July and August, please do let us know as teachers need summer breaks and we need to ensure ratios are kept.
April fees are due on the 1st – thank you!
Drop off – please do your best to bring your child to school by 9AM. Arriving after this time not only impacts your child, making transitioning a little harder, but also disturbs the other children who have already started their work cycle. Thank you!
Flowers for April: Maevis, 6th April, Luca and Aria, 12th April, Londyn, 19th April, Zoe McLean, 26th April.
Keep up the good work remembering forks, spoons and water bottles daily!
No school on the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th April for the half day children. School for everyone resumes on the 12th.
Sound of the week – Z – 12th April: Zoo, Zap, Zucchini ( Thanks Jett for the Z word ideas!)
I wanted to remind you how awesome your child is and how much positive growth and development is happening every day. We hope you are enjoying the photos and videos we send on Seesaw.
Birthdays we will celebrate this month! Parents, please look out for an email.
Music class with Miss. Tessa:
The children are learning a new song about a growing garden: “Inch By Inch, Row By Row”, with egg shakers and actions. They are enjoying this so much.
Thank you as always, for supporting our school during the pandemic. We really appreciate it. We hope you all have wonderful Easter weekend.
Mrs. Divya, Mrs. Joce, Miss. Nicole, Ms. Michelle, Mrs. Diana, Miss. Tessa.