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HomeJuly and August 2023 NewsletterAngel WingsJuly and August 2023 Newsletter

July and August 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the July and August newsletter!

The next two months at school are low-key, fun, and relaxed with lots of outside work, play, walks and picnics; we still follow the Montessori program during the summer, but it tends to be projects and extensions using the materials, still paying close attention to literacy, math,culture, and creativity.

Summer Themes

We will be participating in many fun activities over the summer and to ensure the children can have the most fun possible we will be doing themed weeks. Please note that all participation of dressing up or bringing special items in is completely optional. We also would like to fully encourage any families that have ideas on activities or anything to contribute to please feel free to notify us as it would be highly appreciated. We will also be sending more detailed information if necessary, via announcements on Seesaw closer to the week of.

July3rd – 7th                Craft & Create Week:This week we will be doing lots of creative crafting with the children. Between paint, colouring, crafting, and much more we will have a lovely week of being little artists.

July10th – 14th      Wild West Week& Breakfast:We will be encouraging our little ones to join the festivities of Stampede week by optionally dressing as cowboys and cowgirls, partaking in themed activities, and joining us for Stampede breakfast of pancakes, sausages, fruit, and juice.

July17th – 21st      Animal Adventures Week:This week will be all about animals with themed crafts and activities as well as allowing the kids to bring in their favourite stuffed animal for an adventure day.

July24th – 28th      Fairy Tale Festivities Week:This week we dive into the world of fairy tales. Let your child dress up as their favorite fairy tale character if they like. Bring their favorite fairy tale story to share. We are going to look at where fairy tales come from and which ones are the most famous.

July31st – Aug 4thAround the World Week:Feel free to bring your favorite food from your country or a place you went on vacation with maybe an explanation (where from/what is it/recipe to share). As we are a very diverse and multicultural daycare/school, we are going to explore and learn more about different places and languages during this week.

Aug7th – 11th        Community Helpers Week:We will be encouraging the kids to be big helpers in learning about volunteers, cleaning messes in the community, even how we can donate to food banks, and so much more.

Aug14th – 18th      Science Week:This week will be all about showing the kids fun science experiments like making erupting volcanos, sunscreen paintings, and how to make Oobleck.

Aug21st – 25th     Storybook Week:Bring your child’s favourite story books toshare; share a fun fact about your favouritecharacters; dress your child as their favourite story book character if you like.

Aug28th – Sep 1st  Wind Down Week:We are going to reflect on the

past 2 months and slowly transition back to school routinewhile looking at our wishes and expectations for the new school year.

Important Dates

July 3rd        Closed in lieu of Canada Day

July 4th        Summer Program Start

August 7th   Closed for Civic/Provincial Day

August 25th Closed for P.D. Day


Birthdays in July and August

If you would like us to celebrate your child’s birthday in class, please send us a message on Seesaw and we would be happy to help organize this.



  • July and August fees are still due on the 1st of each month, even if your child is away.
  • Sunscreen, hats, water bottle, weather appropriate clothing, and a light jacket are a necessity for every day.
  • Cutlery should be packed everyday so that your child can eat snack and lunch properly.
  • Please keep flip-flops at home – closed-toe shoes are the safest for children especially when we go to the playground as rocks tend to get between the toes, and flip-flops can get easily caught in playground equipment.
  • Label all children’s belongings, including clothes, water bottles and cutlery. There are many children here and it can be difficult to keep track of everything if it is not named.
  • The latest pick-up time is 5:45pm, the last 15 minutes are for the teachers to finish up their cleaning and closing duties of the school at the end of the day. Drop off should be no later than 8:45 a.m. as we like to start our program by 9:00 at the latest. During warmer days, we also like to go outside before it gets too hot.
  • Thank you for continuing to use the Seesaw app to let us know when you’re dropping off or picking up as this does assist in making things flow better.


Music With Mrs.Tessa

Over the summer we will be having music class on Fridays for July and August. We will be focusing on rhythm and movement which will also be inclusively working on our fine and gross motor skills. In addition we will be learning more about our basic music vocabulary words. As well as continuing the regular curriculum Mrs.Tessa will be bringing in a banjo, electric guitar, and cajon for the children to have the opportunity to learn about other instruments.



We also need to say: “GOOD LUCK!” to 17 children who are leaving us to go to school or a different kindergarten program:Aavya, Alice D., Beau,Blaiz, Dasha, Eva, Grace, Jacob M., Jett, Kipton, Koehler, Lennon, Leonie, Madison, Maevis, Mark, Nash, and Robyn. We know that you will all be a huge asset to your new school. We will miss you so much and wish you all the very best! As well, with saying goodbye to 17 students we will also be welcoming with excitement and open arms 17 new students and families to Angel Wings.


In addition, we would like to say farewell to Miss Nicole and wish her the best of luck on her new upcoming adventures. We would like to thank her for the wonderful time she has spent with us here at Angel Wings over the last few years and know you will be missed dearly by all.


Last but not least, thank you for all of your wonderful support of our school and staff! We appreciate all of our parents and guardians who help to make this school a special place of learning.


Our Angel Wings Team;

Mrs. Divya, Mrs. Anna, Mrs. Marche, Miss Alicia, Miss Ally, Mrs. Jenny, Mrs. Diana, Mrs. Adrianna, Mrs. Joce, and Mrs. Tessa.